Sunni Islam in Lithuania
Islam came to Lithuania well before many other European nations when Grand Duke Vytautas the Great brought Muslim Tatars from the southernmost limits of his lands to defend Vilnius and the boundaries. This happened in the 15th century.
The passing centuries blended the medieval soldiers into the Lithuanian landscape. Their square wooden mosques (19th century) are more reminiscent of Lithuanian village houses than Arabic religious buildings. These mosques are unique and with only three left (in Raižiai, Nemėžis and Keturiasdešimt Totorių, the latter two near Vilnius) – a sight not to miss for anybody interested in Islam.
A mosque inspired by Arabic style was built in Kaunas for Vytautas the Great jubilee in 1930.
The 20th century brought new Muslims to Lithuania, firstly from the Soviet Union and after independence – from the volatile Middle Eastern and African lands. These new Muslims may be already outnumbering the traditional Tatar community. But, as of now, there is not even a mosque in Vilnius since the Soviets torn down the old wooden Tatar one that until 1968 stood in the old district of Lukiškės.
The practice of faith itself was heavily impeded under the Soviet occupation with most mosques closed, Quran hardly possible to get and Hajj outlawed. When the independence (1990) brought back the religious freedom Islam made some comeback in its communities.
There were almost 3000 Muslims in Lithuania during the 2001 census (some 0,1% of the population). Most Lithuanian Muslims follow Hanafi madhhab.

A traditional wooden mosque in Raižiai village (Alytus district municipality, Dzūkija), famous for its minbar made in 1686. The current mosque itself was built in 1889. Minaret is above roof but is not used for the original purpose. The door to the left is used by the women whereas the door to the right is the entrance for men. ©Augustinas Žemaitis.
October 28th, 2012 - 16:11
nice and simple and beautiful mosque
September 6th, 2013 - 13:00
Mashaalllah,it is very beautiful mosque.
October 30th, 2013 - 11:23
hi brothers and sisters , i have been to this mosque before but it turned out to be closed. all i wanted from my holiday in lithuania is to pray there as it was only 10 min from where i live but i was saddened by the fact that such a historical mosque in the middle of a muslim town is closed to the public and havent been opened for ages due to the indifference of people in charge of it , and here is the bomshell: THIS MOSQUE IS RECIEVING A CONSIDERABLE BUT AN UNDISCLOSED AMOUNT OF MONEY TO KEEP IT OPEN BY THE LITHUANIAN GOVERMENT AND THE EUROPEAN UNION , BUT THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE ARE ENJOYING THE MONEY FOR THEMSELVES INCLUDING A FREE HOUSE AND A COMMUNITY CENTER WHICH USED TO STORE THEIR FLOCK AS A STABLE . THERE IS A LOT OF FRAUD INVOLVED .
my only dream is to get this beautiful mosque back to the muslim community and hear the adhan again .please help me to fight these irresponsible people and to report them to the authorities , all i need is how to go about this .
thank you all and salam
March 16th, 2014 - 17:22
Salaam Brother,
I’ve visited Lithuania many times and always wondered firstly where do I find a mosque to pray in and secondly where are the Muslim population based,let me do some homework and find out why its closed may be a reason ,I don’t know but will get to the bottom of it brother im a well connected businessman.
Brother I will get back to you insha allah
April 8th, 2014 - 11:48
Dear Nazar Bhai, i need your help as i am planing for lathunia immigration and need your some assistance.
August 24th, 2015 - 12:16
Hi Nazar and Azfar,
I am also planning to immigrate Lithuania…..can you tell me how is it for muslim family? are they enough muslims if so where they live in majority?
I appreciate your answers and support.
March 25th, 2015 - 14:22
Aslam o ALIKUM
Brs and sis
I’m coming to Lithuania and this is my first time to visit to
Vilnius, plz help Wr can I prayer and eat Halal food
October 2nd, 2015 - 15:56
aslam o alekum brother Nazar .i saw your email here ,im from pakistan but im living and working in italy ,soon i will marry nikah in kaunas ,my wife she is lithuanin and she is doctor,i want we can try to do open this msjid again and we will start namaz there ,so please contact with me .right now im in pakistan +92 311 4990 190.ALLAH BLESS you brother ,with best regards NAEEM AHMED
January 29th, 2017 - 12:27
May ALLAH bless you and your family with his special treasures of blessings and keep you in his beloveds!
August 28th, 2019 - 08:09
do u have whatsApp brother naeem
August 9th, 2020 - 08:38
Dear brother Nazar,
Ass-aalaykum-wrobrtahu, I am from India. I have just gone through the page of ‘true sunni islam in Lithuania’ and saw your post related to business opportunity in Lithuania.
May I have your contact number or email
Looking forward to your reply.
November 16th, 2022 - 14:05
Please send me some name & numbers of Muslim Brothers living in Lithuania so that we can improve relations between both communities of Bangladesh & Lithuania Muslim Brothers.
September 23rd, 2015 - 11:34
Asalmu alikum Br Youssef! I want to help you to open that Masjid. One of my friend Donatas is originally LITHUANIAN but he is very kind and wants to help Muslims in LITHUANIA. Please send me your e-mail and I will send you his details. Insha Allah it will be a big help.
October 2nd, 2015 - 15:58
aslam o alekum brother Dr.Nazir .i saw your email here ,im from pakistan but im living and working in italy ,soon i will marry nikah in kaunas ,my wife she is lithuanin and she is doctor,i want we can try to do open this msjid again and we will start namaz there ,so please contact with me .right now im in pakistan +92 311 4990 190. and this is my skype ( parwaaz_ali ) ALLAH BLESS you brother ,with best regards NAEEM AHMED
April 7th, 2016 - 18:19
Asslam o alikum Naeem ahmed bhai. my name is sohail khan i am from karachi pakistan i got acceptance letter from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University it’s in vilnius.please tell me about lithuania and vilnius .is it safe for study and living ? is there any muslim community ? my contact +92-300-2877448
March 25th, 2018 - 08:30
November 18th, 2022 - 05:58
Who is in Raižiai now
July 25th, 2023 - 10:52
I am a Pakistani sunny Muslim, today I saw a video about Lithonia country , I have great sympathy for Lithonia Muslims I want to do for Islam but I don’t know how I help for Lithonia Muslims please let me guide lines
Myself contact number 0092 03247898404 what apps
November 16th, 2013 - 08:01
Mr. Yousaf.
no need to worry.. Inshallah I am coming there next year and will try to sort out this together with the help of Allah. I am also looking for some Muslim are to live in Vilnius. and I am keen interested to operate a Masjid and a community center there for Muslims. Inshallah
December 29th, 2019 - 10:56
Assalamualaikum brother
My name is Fiaz ahamed from India planning to migrate to Lithuania with family. Is this country good for Muslims?
Please help me on this my contact details are below
+65 9119 2791
December 31st, 2019 - 16:10
The problems Muslims may encounter in Lithuania:
a) Due to a very small community (and the lack of religiousity in this community due to long years of state atheism under the Soviet occupation), there are very few Muslim institutions (e.g. halal restaurants, mosques, etc.)
b) Due to the influence of Western world on Lithuania, negative opinions about Muslims (especially religious Muslims) and Islam have been gaining momentum in Lithuania over the past 10-15 years (approximately since Lithuania joined the European Union in 2004).
December 1st, 2013 - 12:28
Hi Hashmi,
AoA; Good to hear from you. I would like to join in your effort. Can we keep in touch? Thanks
May 24th, 2014 - 14:02
Asalam u alaikum! All brother and sisters, I hope that muslim’s problems will be solved by the help of Allah, no matter where Muslims are facing them (problems). I am also planning to go to lithuania. I hope if I go there and be there Allah will guide and help me to help our muslim brothers there!
Take care all and keep praying because prayers worth fulfillment!
October 18th, 2014 - 19:20
Assalam U Alaikum! Brother I can help, no matter if I am in Australia. Please contact me local Muslim resident brother though e-mail, Will make an active plan for Masque. Inshallaha.
December 10th, 2014 - 23:38
salam alekom . i just moved their with wife and kids and while watching TV i found out that their a facebook page that i didn’t catch the name and a muslim community please let me know of any updates
i live in druskininkai
April 11th, 2015 - 11:42
can you help me in finding a reliable immigration lawer for Lithuania
August 24th, 2015 - 12:18
Yasser how did you like it especially in terms of your and your’s family future point of view? Hows job situation and business conditions?
Looking forward for your response brother.
October 14th, 2015 - 13:41
aslam o alekum ,i hope you well there ,im NAEEM AHMED from pakistan but im living and working in italy,but my wife she is from lithuania,and next month i will come there kaunas ,from how long you are living there ?now im in pakistan ,you can cotact with me on skype ( parwaaz_ali ) and send me sms +92 311 4990 190.and please send me your contact ,ALLAH PAK bless you,with regards NAEEM
December 13th, 2013 - 20:34
Assalam Alaikum,
Bro”s i am from India and i am planning to be there , inshallah we will make urs dream come true. …..
August 9th, 2020 - 08:24
Dear Syed bhai,
Kindly give your email and contact no.
December 16th, 2013 - 22:20
Mashallah, Allah will help you in all your plans.
December 24th, 2013 - 16:25
Asalam o Elehkum brother. I’m looking for Quran in Lithuanian language but I can’t find it anywhere. One of my Lithuanian friend has got a keen interest in Islam and want to read Quran. I’ll be very grateful if you could tell me how can I get it as I we live in UK and Quran in Lithuanian language is not available here.
December 27th, 2013 - 23:44
To my knowledge Quran was first translated to Lithuanian by Sigitas Geda in 2008 as “Koranas. Literatūrinių prasmių vertimas”. I have not seen it in bookshops recently but it may be bought online. This translation was however done from a Russian translation rather than an Arabic original and has been criticized by some as doubtful. It seems I have seen another more recent translation that claimed to be approved by Lithuanian Muslims – perhaps you should search for that one. Some translated suras (about half) are also available online here. However the online translation is work-in-progress, parts of it are not easy to understand, different suras are likely translated by different people and thus the same words translated differently in different suras.
May 13th, 2017 - 21:05
This book “Sigitas Geda in 2008 as “Koranas.”is from Hindu scripts and has no connection with Islamic studies. The given name is Quranic style but it does not belong to muslim’s community. Please avoid.
Aamir Butt from Japan +81-80-36930786
August 9th, 2020 - 08:26
Dear Aamir bhai,
Assalamoalaykum, Is your above no still working?
Kindly reply.
January 6th, 2014 - 12:09
Go back to you country’s no one want you in lithuania….
November 8th, 2014 - 19:12
We in the real Western European countries are saying the same thing to you. So, on behalf of everyone from UK, Germany, spain, France, Italy Greece, Im saying to you, fuck off back to your countries you russians europe doesnt need you!
December 18th, 2015 - 14:05
You are a very angry and nasty person. Believe me you don’t speak for the EU. I bet you get affirmative action.
January 13th, 2014 - 08:50
Assalamu Aleykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu brothers, masha Allah to hear your plans.. I’m sure that Lithuanian muslims too will want join.. You can find in Facebook our groups and write your ideas insha Allah..
Wa aleykum assalam
January 15th, 2014 - 07:44
Aslamoalikum Brothers,
I am planning to migrate to Lithuania , can any one guide me? like if that will be a nice decision? and how are the business oppertunities? specially the IT market? I have many other questions but dont know where to start. i am facing some ness issue in the country to i am planng to settle abroad. please guide me
January 27th, 2014 - 18:11
Dear Rehan,
We are on the same boat. I’m also seeking business opportunity in Lithuania. Please be in touch with me. Perhaps we could help each other.
Best of luck!
August 24th, 2015 - 12:45
Junaid i am also the passenger of same boat…..can you guide me too? is there any way i can contact you?
August 9th, 2020 - 08:39
Dear Rehan,
Plz send me your contact no and email id.
February 19th, 2014 - 09:26
Dear Mr. Amir,
you cn contat me by email, i will try to help you as much i can regarding your setup.
send me email on
December 10th, 2014 - 23:42
Good Day Mr Hashmi,, i just found out by coincidence while watching TV that there r a Muslim community here would love to know more if possible
May 11th, 2014 - 13:34
I am planing for lathuania immigration. Can anybody help me.
November 9th, 2014 - 04:56
I am planning to migrate Lithuania to serve Islam and spread education of dean Islam
November 9th, 2014 - 05:00
I am planning to migrate Lithuania to see Muslims & strengthen my Eman
April 8th, 2014 - 11:45
Dear all i am planing for lathuania immigration. Can anybody help me.
June 16th, 2015 - 16:13
Please Don’t come to Lithuania, we are a proud Catholic country and don’t need Islam here!!!!
January 11th, 2017 - 16:19
Dear Edwin
Have a nice day with wonderful smile.
This whole world is belong to GOD / ALLAH, All religion people have right to living in GOD / ALLAH place. Give respect to all and get respect from all.
Thank You
May 24th, 2014 - 08:11
Dear All
Glad to know that MashAllah many Muslim brothers are settling in Lithuania, very soon In sha Allah we will see the growth of Muslim population & all the masajids full of namazies. My advice to all these new settlers are Please put all your efforts, time & money to flourish Islam in this country & run the affairs of the Mosque smoothly. make sure that all Muslim brothers can say their prayers five times and especially the Friday payers.
May Allah help you all
December 10th, 2014 - 23:44
Salam Alekom Mr Aman , just moved in so happy to find that community here please keep me updated i live in druskininkai for now
April 11th, 2015 - 11:45
can you help finding a immigrants lawer for Lithuania.
October 31st, 2017 - 17:33
hi I am live in uk butt I what to com in Lithuania
October 2nd, 2015 - 16:06
aslam o alekum brother Yasser .i saw your email here ,im from pakistan but im living and working in italy ,are you pakistani?,soon i will marry nikah in kaunas ,my wife she is lithuanin and she is doctor,i want we can try to do open this msjid again and we will start namaz there ,so please contact with me .right now im in pakistan +92 311 4990 190.ALLAH BLESS you brother ,with best regards NAEEM AHMED
January 8th, 2016 - 23:26
hello brother can you give me your facebook or skype .. im planing to visite lietuva on fabaury .. i hope to meet muslims there inchaalah
August 20th, 2016 - 12:09
Slaam to all .can any body guide me i wana maigration of lithuania.i m from pakistan.00923016404142 plz guide me.
August 13th, 2016 - 09:29
No need muslims in my country!!!! No islam either!!!!! U r not welcome at all…
June 3rd, 2014 - 17:32
For all those who need Lithuanian Study or Business visa please email me at
I am very glad to see that some Muslim Brothers are uniting to do a very good work.May Allah help us all.
June 14th, 2014 - 17:42
Assalama wa’alaikam dear brothers and sisters
I am Dawood from India I am coming to Kaunas for my higher studies. Do any muslims live in Kaunas? Please let me know if any body living in kaunas.
My details are
Dawood Basha D
kaunas University of technology
June 15th, 2014 - 20:30
You’ll probably want to check the Kaunas mosque in the New Town district, address Totorių g. 6, an image available in this page (scroll down).
July 3rd, 2014 - 10:10
I am planing for lathuania immigration. Can anybody help me.
September 1st, 2014 - 14:40
R u in lathuania? I m also Planung Tor get Business immigration.PLZ Zellen me should i Cine?
July 17th, 2014 - 08:41
Don’t come to Lithuania. We, the people of Lithuania do not want you here!
August 5th, 2014 - 08:42
Azar contact with me I m also planning for that
August 9th, 2020 - 08:34
Hi Vikas bhai
Give me your contact no.
August 11th, 2014 - 20:28
As salam o alaikum !
I also want to cum there for any sort of work. Any body gave me the refrence
August 23rd, 2014 - 21:06
I have been looking for business oppertunity in lithuania and while surfing i always had one thing in mind.will and where i will find muslims.and finally after searching for 2 mnths i managed to find you guys.Alhamdolillah.i will try to stay in touch and pray that the name of Allah and azan are once again heard 5 times a day.i will be visiting lithuania, vilnius in oct,and if i find it interesting amd safe enuf for my family ill sure migrate tjere.salam and blessings to all muslims brother and sisters
P.S can some one guide me if we can find halal meat in vilnius along with rent if commercial space for a restaurant/fast food and rent for a 4 bed house.
September 21st, 2014 - 08:35
Assallam O Allehkum
Dear brothers and sisters
What are the chances for settling in Lithuania?
How are the chances for getting a job there easily?
What about the business for doing business?
Is there any Baloch Community to help?
Please guide.
April 22nd, 2015 - 10:25
Dear Brother assalam.i would like to offer my servises in order to teach young mmuslim kids in lithuania.i have done my MA in islamic studies.i came twice in vilnius in 2012 and 2013 on trp.but then i left to my country because of my family problam.once agan i have learnt 60% lithuanian language also so it will be very easy to teach young muslim kids and can become imam also inshallah . i can send my detail cv contact no is 00923222478415 wasalam
October 2nd, 2015 - 16:15
aslam o alekum brother Anwar.i saw your email here ,im from pakistan but im living and working in italy ,soon i will marry nikah in kaunas ,my wife she is lithuanin and she is doctor,i want we can try to do open this msjid again and we will start namaz there ,so please contact with me .right now im in pakistan +92 311 4990 190.ALLAH BLESS you brother ,with best regards NAEEM AHMED
September 26th, 2014 - 14:25
AOA ally dears
I am living in lithuania from few month,and i have lithuaniam parmanent visa, if there are some my pakistani or indian or any nation muslims friend in lithuania please contact me at fb basharat89 i wish to start strugle for the people of lithuania muslims to work for them and take on they right way if any body sincer me so please join me on facebook
November 24th, 2014 - 00:08
Mashsallah. I already left msg on facebook. Please reply back on either face book, Skype or e mail. thanx
November 25th, 2014 - 00:08
Brother Basharat Khan u haven’t replied yet. Is it because you don’t really want me to meet you or something else. just reply as soon as possible. Inshallah you won’t regret.
February 22nd, 2015 - 00:05
Sallam o alikum,
I am Ali Hassan and I am living in Kunas am from Pakistan.
October 2nd, 2015 - 16:18
aslam o alekum brother Ali .i saw your email here ,im from pakistan but im living and working in italy ,soon i will marry nikah in kaunas ,my wife she is lithuanin and she is doctor,i want we can try to do open this msjid again and we will start namaz there ,so please contact with me .right now im in pakistan +92 311 4990 190. my skype is ( parwaaz_ali ) ALLAH BLESS you brother ,with best regards NAEEM AHMED
April 22nd, 2015 - 10:27
asak yes brother I can do any thing so pl let me know about this specially in teaching quran and Arabic etc inshallah
August 24th, 2015 - 12:23
A.A, Basharat bai i have been trying to find you in FB but could not….Can you ad me there plz….my id is “Eid M Shamas”
Shamas Pakistan
October 2nd, 2014 - 05:09
Dear Brothers
I am M.Phil in Education and teaching in a college. I want to come to lithuania for permanent. I hope any muslim will help me in this matter. My email is and cell no. is 0092 333 6700905. please tell me is there are any job oppournities or not ?
November 6th, 2014 - 20:40
We all know the results of arab migration to White Countries. Why does Lithuania want those same results?
December 16th, 2014 - 19:10
We don’t. Though as long as they plan to integrate into our culture (which I very much doubt), learn our language, and don’t force their beliefs on us, I’ve got no problem with them. Lithuania is dying as it is.
May 13th, 2017 - 21:25
Don’t be afraid of muslim community. If you know your religion is true then nothing to worry. Else just listen. Talk on similarities. While digging ancestors we will find humanity as same as we are. We believe Jesus was man and live like human but superior most like Muhammad. So they were are humans for our teachings. So be calm and respect all as humans. Listen to all and decide from bottom of heart feelings with truth…… No one is coming to harm you as long as you may not harm them……Hope you may get answer……
November 9th, 2014 - 07:27
I am planing to start immigration process for Lthuania.Any one can help me to send me information.Is is good?and how much is the job chances.I will be move with my family.
best regards to all
M.Imran Butt
November 15th, 2014 - 08:14
The situation in Lithuania depends on what you compare it to.
Lithuania is poorer than most Western countries, therefore if you plan to move to European Union you would likely earn way more in Western Europe than in Lithuania.
Lithuania is also poorer than the following muslim countries: UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Brunei and Kuwait.
Lithuania is, however, richer than the other muslim countries and it is also richer than most other Eastern European countries.
See the map on Economy of Lithuania article to see which countries are richer and which are poorer than Lithuania.
Also, as in every country, there are legal restrictions of foreigner work. A foreigner should find a job in Lithuania *before* actually moving to Lithuania, then his/her company would sponsor a work permit. The permit will be granted (for up to 2 years) *only if* there is no Lithuanian citizen capable of doing the same job.
Additionally, knowledge of Lithuanian language is a must for many jobs. As such, if you speak English but not Lithuanian it would be easier to migrate to an English-speaking country.
May 13th, 2017 - 21:30
Really fantastic sayings. Nice told what to do. I appreciate. Specially for job one has to prepare for language. I think basic success is behind language.
What do you say about investor ?? As I am willing to invest. Are there opportunity for business community as investor ???
November 14th, 2014 - 21:10
Salam alakum brothers and sisters,
I am in Lithuania and would like to know how many masjids there are there I have seen the one in kadiani but its was broken only thing remaining was the mimbar. I would also like to build that masjid if anyone can advise. Jazak Allah
November 15th, 2014 - 08:20
There are 4 masjids in Lithuania.
You have probably meant “Kėdainiai town“ rather than „Kadiani“ and you have probably meant a „minaret“ rather than „minbar“.
However, while there is a minaret in Kėdainiai, there was never a masjid there. That minaret is actually an observation tower built by a general who had a manor nearby. That general fought in a war against Ottoman Empire and was inspired by Islamic architecture so he decided to build a minaret in his manor park as a folly. More info at the Kėdainiai page.
November 25th, 2014 - 22:37
Sveiki @ Augustinas Žemaitis, Aš esu sužavėtas, jūsų žinios. kaip yraoro sąlygos Šiauliuose ?
November 26th, 2014 - 07:31
Dėkui. Visoje Lietuvoje oro sąlygos būna panašios. Plačiau žr. straipsnyje “Climate in Lithuania” (spauskite čia).
May 13th, 2017 - 21:35
Indeed your knowledge is impressive and your sayings and boldic and point to point. Can you introduce yourself for future assistance/guidance (if required).
January 4th, 2015 - 10:56
Assalamo alaykum
Brother and sisters in Vilnius
I am living in uk I am german national I want to marry from Vilnius
Because I want to help Muslims families
I can marry from any where but I want to marry from Lithuania because I love these people if you can help me to find me a Muslim girl I will be very thankfull to you
January 11th, 2015 - 03:45
Assalamo Alaykom,
does someone know about mosques in Trakai?
i’d liek to make my wedding in one of trakai mosques, so maybe anyone can recomend me a mosque?
djazakom Allaho khairan
assalamo alaykom w rahmatullah
January 11th, 2015 - 10:08
There are no mosques in Trakai. The closest mosque is in Keturiasdešimt Totorių village ~15 km away.
June 25th, 2015 - 19:24
alslam alikom,,,,akhi augustinas,,,its seems you know the country well,,,im wonder If I can get help from you ,,,,,,,,im Mohamed original Egyptian but im living in Sweden since 2008,,,,i wish I get married from good muslim women from west europ ,my question
can I get help from you to find that??or show me the way how? please answer me at my mail,,,,,,,,
January 13th, 2015 - 15:55
Dear Brothers Assalamun Aleykum,
I am from Turkey. I have some Furniture upholstery fabrics (120 mts) in Lithuania Alytus – which I can transfer these fabrics to Mosque if it is required or can be used somewhere. If someone helps, I can transfer it. Kindly help.
February 11th, 2015 - 20:15
Alsalam Alykom
Again, the usual case of corruption and greed of Muslim brothers and sisters.
I am depressed of how muslims are dealing with each other and how they lost their iman and taqwa, how to we do and fight for nothing but among our selves for our own selfish……
we even forgot… no matter what i wrote or said….
May Allah forgive us all for what we are doing to our self.
March 31st, 2015 - 10:37
Asslamu alaikum brothers i am from pakistan and working in indonesia, i am planning to move to lithuania for better opportunities, can any Muslim brother guide me where i should start, i also found there are 4 mosques in Lithuania, i hope with the help of ALLAH Almighty we will repopulate these mosques Insha Allah…..
May 27th, 2015 - 21:52
Dear Mr. Asif,
Please contact me at
June 28th, 2015 - 13:51
assalamwalykum wah rah matuallah
brother mahmoud hope u doing great are you in Lithuanian now
and i am always COME AN GO IN Lithuanian so as i am part of it so to bring this mosque back inshallah will be together so please all should be in contact by having each other detail through email or whats app as technology is fast and we can request government to make it available
June 28th, 2015 - 13:53
we can do it inshallah asalamwalykum
June 28th, 2015 - 13:54
my emial address is
October 28th, 2015 - 18:55
Only tolerant Muslims should be allowed into Lithuania, not the ones that want to take over the country replace local laws with Sharia law and/or force conversions to Islam!!
Muslims must be free to practice a tolerant form of Islam!!
Their philosophy must be one where Muslims, Christians, Jews, and other philosophes can coexist in peace!!
Otherwise Lithuania will become another France, England, Sweden!!
1) Vitautas brought in Tatars to guard Trakai because he could not trust the Lithuanians!!
2) there have been no Muslim, Christian conflicts in Lithuania for over 600 years, why start now
November 8th, 2015 - 13:02
Salam Dear muslim brothers ,I am based in London UK/ british passport holder, have been divorced for 10 years ,ever since I have been looking to get married to a Lithuanian muslim lady to bring her to uk to live and start a family in uk. if you know of any muslim sister ,please email me on Jazaka allaho khair . salam
November 22nd, 2015 - 23:12
Assalamu allekom bro & sis,my name is Muhammad Saeed,
I’m living in England &my wife is from Lithuania.i be very happy to be the part of your struggle for that mosque.
January 5th, 2016 - 04:18
Aslam o alikum saeed bahi. I’m going to Lithuania. Can you tell me any contect number of islamic center in Lithuania.
January 8th, 2016 - 23:19
my friend i’ll go to lithuanie on fabaury inchallah
this is my skype “hakourahmani ” please call me or send me your facebook or skype
January 11th, 2016 - 10:59
Asalam o Elehkum brother. I’m looking for Quran in Lithuanian language but I can’t find it anywhere. P.s. i am not Lithuanian, and i dont live in Lithuania, i like to download and print for one of my friend
January 20th, 2016 - 19:26
Asalam o Elehkum brother. I’m looking for Quran in Lithuanian language but I can’t find it anywhere. P.s. i am not Lithuanian, and i dont live in Lithuania, i like to download and print for one of my friend
January 20th, 2016 - 20:37
Regarding Lithuanian translations of Quran:
To my knowledge Quran was first translated to Lithuanian by Sigitas Geda in 2008 as “Koranas. Literatūrinių prasmių vertimas”. I have not seen it in bookshops recently but it may be bought online. This translation was however done from a Russian translation rather than an Arabic original and has been criticized by some as doubtful. It seems I have seen another more recent translation that claimed to be approved by Lithuanian Muslims – perhaps you should search for that one (but that one is only in book form to my knowledge). Some translated suras (about half) are also available online here. However the online translation is work-in-progress, parts of it are not easy to understand, different suras are likely translated by different people and thus the same words translated differently in different suras.
So, all-in-all, I don’t think a good online translation of Quran into Lithuanian language exists. If your friend also speaks English, perhaps it is better if he would read English translation.
June 7th, 2016 - 12:55
I hope you can help me , i am coming to Kaunas on 26th June for two week to work i come over every 4 weeks. but this time it’s in ramadan time could help me to find halal food like meat and other thing.
Please could contact me soon as possible so i can still keep the ramadan do you have time table for ramadan.
Many thanks for your help.
with asalaam
Ghulam Murtaza
June 7th, 2016 - 13:09
There is a halal kebab restaurant not far from the Kaunas mosque. As for the local ramadan timetable, you should perhaps ask at the Kaunas mosque. Prayer times for Kaunas are available here (click), on the top right.
August 13th, 2016 - 09:31
Lithuanua doesnt need muslims and islam…dont spread this bullshit.
August 20th, 2016 - 12:27
Slaam to all my brothers nd email is
September 6th, 2016 - 12:53
October 19th, 2016 - 19:22
Assalamau alaikum,
how’s are everybody. Me from Bangladesh.
July 6th, 2017 - 07:37
Hello brothers, can someone help mea company give me a production order and said that he will pay upon goods ready because he had bad experiamce with another pakistan company I take care his previous loss also,
But now goods are ready but he is not paying nor picking the goods, can anyone help me
July 9th, 2017 - 23:19
We offer legal services, if you need. See .
October 15th, 2017 - 08:23
Asalam am shaibu am from ghana africa and i will like to help rise the mosque again ishallah there will azan from tomorrow going and nobody should be suprise because Allah is greater than all thank you
December 3rd, 2017 - 12:22
hellow dear!amy name is hasnat ahmad am student!am arrive in lituania for study !kindly help me and answer my some question kindly!i
which city is busy and more part time job oppurchunities in lithuania?i do the part time job after uni study ?and which part time work is lot of demand in lithuania?kindly reply me i will waiting you force fully…
February 11th, 2018 - 19:09
Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai, panevezys are major cities in Lithuania but i recommend you Vilnius Kaunas or Klaipeda they are the biggest and have the biggest mosques, all three of these cities have large muslim populations than others and they have the highest wages on average, and alot of people migrate there
February 11th, 2018 - 19:54
Actually, only Kaunas has a true mosque among these cities. There are a couple of mosques in Vilnius suburbs, but these are small. There is a Muslim center in a regular building that operates in Vilnius, however. There are no mosques in Klaipėda.
Muslim populations are very small in all three cities, however (if compared to Muslim populations in many European capitals and large cities).
July 28th, 2018 - 22:34
Asalamu alaikum we wb,
My name is fashith. I’m basically from India. I got admission to siauliai university. I’m coming in September last week to siauliai. Could you please help me out with regards to a mosque. Are there Muslims and any mosques in this city. I knew the challenges but having a mosque in that city is a big concern for me. Could you please help with this.
Jazakallah khair.
July 29th, 2018 - 05:56
There is no mosque in Šiauliai. The closest mosque is in Kaunas, which is 150 km away.
December 27th, 2019 - 12:54
Assalamu alaikum,
Fashith, where you now how is your studies going on.
August 15th, 2019 - 16:36
Can I have your e.mail address?
I am visiting Kaunas University of Technology this October.
March 25th, 2018 - 08:31
Asc nice mosque
August 6th, 2019 - 11:54
November 18th, 2022 - 06:13
Hello Qari.
Do you live in Lithuania
August 15th, 2019 - 16:19
My name is Azhar Ariffin. I am from Malaysia. I will stay at Kaunus University of Technology for three month from October – December 2019. Is there muslim community living in Kaunus?
August 26th, 2019 - 14:01
salam all,
can a lithuanian person kindly send me a quran translated in lithuanian language.
i have been looking for one in london with no luck.
May 19th, 2020 - 01:55
Pakistanis, Indians, Arabs.. all what they want is immigration.
You destroyed the image of Islam with your egoism
July 25th, 2020 - 06:06
Brother when you address a nation you are making comments about every individual living in those nations. relax by making racist comments you happening Islamic image too.
July 25th, 2020 - 06:06
Brother when you address a nation you are making comments about every individual living in those nations. relax by making racist comments you happening Islamic image too.
November 18th, 2022 - 06:12
Good afternoon from here.
Do you live in Lithuania now?
May 2nd, 2023 - 16:46
Hello. I Saghir Ahmad from India sunni muslim interested to see Lithuania.
July 15th, 2023 - 08:54
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah everyone,
Is anyone staying in Vilnius? I am interested to make contacts since I am new.
My email
September 3rd, 2023 - 08:18
Beautiful simple mosque there, the way Mosques should be in shaa Allaah a place for Muslim to worship Allaah aza wa jaal.
September 15th, 2023 - 07:08
Asalamalakom every one I am Dr Ali want know about Lithuania Muslim citizens. i want to visit lithunia .
September 15th, 2023 - 07:09
Asalamalakom every one I am Dr Ali want to know about Lithuania Muslim citizens. i want to visit lithunia .